run over

run overrun over1.造访; 驱车送Will you run over to the shop and get some butter?你到铺子里去买点黄油好吗?Let's run over to the Browns' this evening.今晚咱们开车去布朗家吧。Don't get a bus. I'll run you over to the theatre.不要去坐公共汽车了, 我开车送你去剧场。2.溢出The bath water is running over.浴缸的水溢出来了。3.撞倒, 撞翻并轧过其身体的一部分The jeep ran him over.吉普车把他撞了。This box looks as if it's been run over by a bus.这个箱子好像被公共汽车撞翻过似的。

run over1.在…上驶过;(撞倒后)辗过:A boy was run over by a truck and got killed immediately.一个男孩被一辆卡车从身上压过去,当即死亡。2.溢出:The water is running over the edge of the bathtub.水从澡盆的边缘溢出。3.超过:We try our best to limit our expenditure to the original sum,but we may run over by a few pounds.我们尽量把开销限制在原定的数目之内,但可能会超出几镑。4.(使)在…上掠过;迅速浏览,扫视:The teacher ran over his notes before the lecture.教师在讲课前先看一眼讲稿。5.复习;排练:She will run over her lines in the evening.她将在晚上排练一次她的台词。6.扼要重述:Our teacher ran over the main points at the end of each lesson.我们的老师在每次课临结束时都要扼要重说一遍本课的重点。7.作短暂访问;匆匆跑一趟:He ran over to the supermarket and bought a package of cigarettes.他到超级市场跑了一趟,买了一包香烟。8.坑害(某人);踩着(某人的)脊梁向上爬
